Breast Cancer LIFE
"Beauty, femininity and self-image... are often deeply affected by the treatment women receive for breast cancer."
Harriet Barber is a Dorset-based artist who paints and draws from life. Her subjects include landscapes, riverscapes, seascapes – and the human figure. She undertook her three-year postgraduate study in the rigorous 'F' Studio at the Slade School of Art, working solely from the figure during that time.
Breast Cancer LIFE is a project which grew out of her collaboration with Art@Plush organiser Dot Browning, and a number of other women who had undergone treatment for breast cancer, following Harriet's own diagnosis in 2008.
Breast Cancer LIFE explores beauty, femininity and self-image – which are often deeply affected by the treatment women receive for breast cancer.
The women who participated have all given their time freely for the project. For most it was their first experience of sitting for an artist.
See the galleries of paintings and drawings
Look at the Breast Cancer LIFE book
Watch Harriet's video introduction
Breast Cancer LIFE is generously supported by:
Chris Rudge Renewable Power Systems